I have been creating music for as long as I can remember. Explore this site to discover what that music is like, where it has come from, and where it has led. Like my favorite Banyan tree pictured here, my music has grown steadily over time, putting down roots in unexpected directions many of which have developed into significant parts of the whole body of work.
John Prescott


The Flying Dreams Challenge
(For all band directors)
In 2010, I wrote a composition for concert band about a dream I had when I was a kid in which I could fly off the roof of my house. The title is "Flying Dreams" though the published version is called "Dreams of Flight." It's not a easy piece, and it hasn't caught the right wind yet. So, a director who contacts me and agrees to program the piece during the upcoming year will receive a complimentary copy of the score and parts paid for by me. You can preview it using the link below. I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks!
Carnegie Hall
13 June 2024